Thursday, October 4, 2012

Obediah, James, and John

In Early Settlers of Tidewater Virginia, Volume 3, by Elise Greenup Jourdan, Michael Turpin is shown as the father of Obediah, James, John, and Mary “Polly” Turpin.  I’ve been working to tie the James and John of Owen County, Indiana to Halifax County, Virginia and also to determine if the family shown in Jourdan’s book is mine and is correct.  

Another Turpin researcher Anne Washburn and I have put our heads, and research notes, together on this and it appears there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  (And as they say, we hope it’s not a train…)

Here is a short timeline of Turpin activity in two counties:  Lunenburg and Halifax Counties in Virginia.  The counties are tied together in that Lunenburg is the parent county.  In 1752 the General Assembly of Virginia divided it into two counties, Halifax being the new county.  In 1766, Halifax County was divided with Pittsylvania being the newly created county.   The dates are from the Halifax County website:

1752  Halifax County is created.

1779  Obediah Turpin, age 18, enlists with Capt Worsham's Company in Lunenburg County (1840 census of Owen County IN lists him as an 81-year-old Revolutionary War veteran.)

1783  Records of Lunenburg Co., VA
Tithables list shows Michal, Obadiah Turpin, 7 property taxable, 4 tithable, 12 souls.

1785  Halifax Co., VA, Deed Bk 13, p. 181
Apr 20, 1785 from Joshua Adams of H, to Michael Turpin of the County of Lunenburg, for 500 lbs, a certain tract of land containing, by deed, about 274 acres in H on Banister River and Sandy Cr, and bounded by Chappell, Huddleston. Signed-Joshua (X his mark) Adams. Wit: James McCraw, Joseph Hunt, David Chisholm. Recorded May 19, 1785. Phebe, wife of the sd Joshua Adams, relinquishes her right of dower.

Halifax County tax lists:
1785: no Turpins [but Richard Carter was tithed; he may be Elizabeth Carter’s brother]
1786: Michael Turpin [Richard Carter was next door neighbor]
1787: Michael Turpin
         William Turpin
1788: Michael Turpin
         Obediah Turpin
1789: Michael Turpin & two sons [not named in the tax list]
         Obediah Turpin
1790: no Turpins
1791: no Turpins
1792: Michael Turpin
         Obediah Turpin
         John Turpin [appears for the first time]
1793: Michael Turpin
         Obediah Turpin
         John Turpin
         James Turpin [appears for the first time]
1794: Edith Turpin [Michael died ca. 1793/4]
         James Turpin
         John Turpin

1794  Halifax Co., VA, Will Bk 3, p. 96
Will of Michael Turpin of H, very sick and weak of body but of perfect mind,
To my wife Edith--all my stock and my household furniture and the land which lies the other side of the creek, during her natural life, and then to descend to my sons John and James. I also give my wife the mill and half the profit (the other half to son Obediah Turpin).
To my son Obediah Turpin--the remainder of the land. If the rent of the land does not pay for the land at the end of 4 years, then each of the boys before mentioned to pay equally what is due.
Executors: sons Obediah, John and James.
Signed--Michael (+his mark) Turpin. Wit--Allen Whitehead, Benjamin Clements, Josiah (+his mark) Shelton. The will of Michael Turpin dec'd was OR at H Court of Jan. 27, 1794.