Sunday, June 22, 2014

Virginia Records for James Turpin (brother of John Turpin)

This is from Anne Washburn of North Carolina.  Anne has researched the tax records from the time period our Turpins were in Halifax County, Virginia.   The following is information for James (the elder who is a brother of our John Turpin, not the younger one who is the son).  Thank you Anne! 

Halifax Co., VA, Deed Bk 16, p. 632, Jun 24, 1796 from James Tirpin [Turpin] to Robert D. Milner, both of H, for 10 lbs 10 shillings, about 7 acres in H on Sandy Cr near the Mouth, and bounded by James Powell's gate on the New Sandy Creek Rd, sd Robert D. Milner, sd Powel's Tobacco ground below sd Powels Spring. 
Signed--James Tirpin. Wit: J. Eastham, Reuben Smith [brother-in-law of James Turpin], Benjamin Clements, Elisha (x his mark) Towlin. Recorded Jun 27, 1796.

Halifax Co., VA, Deed Bk 19, pp. 159-60, 6 Oct 1801, James Turpin to James Smith, for 50 pounds current money…lying in Sandy Creek…devised by John Turpin and the same James Turpin jointly in and by the Last Will and Testament of their deceased father Michael Turpin…

p. 160, James Turpin…for the consideration of two hundred and sixty pounds current money to me in hand paid have this day bargained and sold unto James Smith of said County & state the following property to wit, one bay stud horse, one wagon & five horses, one white, one sorrel & three bays, and one negro girl named Amy, the right of which said property I, the said James Turpin, do bind myself, my heirs, etc., to warrant and forever defend unto the said James Smith his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof I the said James Turpin have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this sixth day of October one thousand eight hundred and one. 
Ack’d in presence of Arm’d Watlingotn Jr., Henson Hardy, Samuel Williams. 

At a Court held of Halifax County, the 26th day of October 1801. The within written Bill of Sale was proved by the oaths of three witnesses thereto subscribed to be the act and deed of the within named James Turpin party thereto & ordered to be recorded. 
Teste John Wimbish C.H.C. Truly recorded Berryman Green D.C.H.C.

From Anne:  James Turpin sold his land and all personal possessions to (likely) his brother-in-law, James Smith (as opposed to his father-in-law who died the next year). No mention of Mary being examined privily to confirm willingness to sell, relinquishing dower, etc. Elizabeth Carter Turpin was routinely party to her husband’s legal actions. Notice that this was a Bill of Sale and not the Deed of Trust (mortgage) that James (the younger and probably the son of our John Turpin) & Jincy [his wife Jane Mills] executed later in 1829. The older James started selling off land he inherited from his father almost as soon as he got it. Selling off everything usually indicated that the person was moving away, often west. But, James was mentioned in a land dispute arising after the death of James Powell. James Powell and Polly Turpin were married in 1788 and Obadiah Turpin was the bondsman. 

Halifax Co. Pleas no. 22, p. 124, David Tucker v. James Turpin, James Smith & Polly Powell, widow of James Powell dec’d, John, Joshua, Cary & Polly infants under 20 and children of said James Powell, Nov. Ct dispute.
And of course, he was also mentioned with wife Mary in the 1802 estate settlement of her father, James Smith Sr. That doesn’t necessarily mean that Mary was still alive OR that he was still in VA. However, “a” James Turpin appeared in the tax records, on and off, until 1812.  I think these earlier records were James brother of John. 

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